Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Biting my lip

Yesterday, I was walking along in the terminal heading to the gate for my first leg of the day. It was morning. Early morning. There were plenty of people around, but it was mostly quiet as everyone was looking "not quite awake" as they wandered from security to the coffee shop and then off to their gates. All was very pleasant. Then, behind me, the unmistakable sound of some all too important, self-absorbed loud ass blabbing away on a cell phone. Some people just have the type of voice that shouldn't be allowed in public. At least at certain hours of the morning. You could actually feel all the other passengers hate this woman as we all walked along with minimal noise, then there was her, flapping her gums as full volume.

Then, out of her pie hole comes, "Argh... my feet are just KILLING me!!!!" At that, I glanced over my shoulder at this person who has been ruining the morning's peace. She was at least 250 lbs, and no more than 5 foot tall. I managed to bite my lip, but there was a serious desire to say to her, "I know why!!!"

Friday, September 17, 2010


I've had tough commutes in the past. I still commute, however, it's gotten a lot better and shorter. All in all, I can't really complain all that much. Especially when I see something like this. While this is a short commute, when talking about time and distance, it's very very different. This is one hell of a commute.

I'm all for adventure and being "out there." However, I'm not certain if I could actually do a job like this. Seriously. Perhaps it would take me a long time to build up confidence, but shit. To think about me actually doing this today makes my nuts quiver. This is a POV video, which porn fans will immediately identify as "Point of View." It covers climbing the last 200ft of a 1768ft transmission tower. (Best when viewed in full-screen mode.)

Disclaimer: More than a few people have reported not being able to watch the whole video due to feeling queezy.

(Video link repaired)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

You're dangerous!

I have to admit, I never caught this when it aired on SNL with Val Kilmer. Can you believe that Val Kilmer is 50 now? Man, I guess I'm not young anymore either. Anyways, I'll add this to the "must see" list of web clips.

SNL -Top Gun 727,-Will Ferrell & Val Kilmer - MyVideo