Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Where class warfare really comes from


In a time when many families are struggling to get by and corporate execs are making more money than ever, there is only one way this will change: If all of us finally draw the line and hold CEOs and all their cronies (called VPs) accountable. CEOs have taken the country by the balls and we've let them do it. Little by little, we've allowed higher and higher salaries, more benefits, more bonuses and the infamous Golden Parachutes. After all, if the rest of us suck at our jobs, we get shown the door.

I just fear that we are too chicken shit to actually ban together and do something about it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Starting to take notice

Looks like some people in high places might finally be starting to take notice of just how much horseshit regional airlines are full of. The following is a letter sent to the COO of Pinnacle Airlines:

Letter to COO John Spanjers